PT ASRI KARYA LESTARI's birthday celebration was held on December 20, 2022 which took place very lively at PT ASRi KARYA LESTARI. As the CEO of PT ASRI KARYA LESTARI H Sudjatmiko also held attractive door prizes for his employees including 5 door prizes which were given in the form of. 43inc LED TV, Refrigerator, AC, Mejikom, and Komporgas. And there are also 5 competitions, namely throwing water balloons using a sarong, moving coins filled with flour with chopsticks, passing the ball using a plastic pipe container with one hand, relaying a pair of sandals, and closing the water reservoir in the hollow pipe using a body member.
The celebration of the anniversary of PT ASRI KARYA LESTARI also held a charity event for orphans before the start of the competition. CEO of PT ASRI KARYA LESTARI H Sudjatmiko gave encouragement to all of his employees to work with enthusiasm. The celebration of the anniversary of PT ASRIKARYA LESTARI is held from 9 am to 5 pm. Employees were very enthusiastic about participating in this competition until the end of the event.