Construction Progress of Pacongkang Bridge in Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi

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Pacongkang Bridge, which is located in Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, takes 370 days to complete. Access connects this bridge from the Soppeng-Takalla-Cita area.

Penandatanganan kontrak jembatan ini di Kantor dinas PUTR provinsi Sulawesi selatan pada hari Jum’at tanggal 24 Juni 2022. Pembangunan jembatan ini memiliki nilai kontrak awal Rp. 56.134.319.000 Miliar  kemudian bertambah Rp. 59.333.515.000 Miliar.

This bridge is built for access to small vehicles up to large vehicles such as loaded trailers. Hopefully the construction of this bridge can be useful for the people in the Soppeng Regency of South Sulawesi.