PT Asri Karya Lestari Starts Construction of Connecting Bridge on Cipularang KM 71 Toll Road

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PT Asri Karya Lestari Starts Construction of a Connecting Bridge on Cipularang KM 71 Toll Road. PT Asri Karya Lestari as the Contractor and PT Cipta Strada as the management of the Consultant and their staff began the construction of a connecting bridge on the Cipularang KM 71 Toll Road. The connecting bridge on the Cipularang Km 71 toll road will use the PCI Girder structure type.

PT Asri Karya Lestari as a construction company in charge of trying to give full attention during the project work, especially related to traffic control, especially during the mobilization process of launchers and Erection Girders.

President Director of PT Arii Karya Lestari, Sudjatmiko, explained that maintaining safety, security and comfort during the work process, the company also collaborates with Jasa Marga and the Highway Patrol Unit so that the safety of road users can be maintained during the project process.

So that it can make it easier for road users to cross the Bukit Indah Area without having to pass the Km 71 toll road. A bridge is a building structure that functions to connect transportation traffic in an area that is cut off by obstacles, one of which is the Toll Road, while the bridge has a strategic function to speed up the distance from one place to another so as to save more time and travel costs.

PT. Besland Pertiwi and PT. Indotaisei Indah Development is two development companies of Kota Bukit Indah Purwakarta city that recently entrusted this 87 billion Rupiah project to a Private Construction company, PT. Asri Karya Lestari.

The project, which is targeted to be completed on May 25, 2024, has held groundbreaking on Friday, July 23 at the KM 71 project site as a form of inauguration of the start of project work.