Initial IPO 2024, Asri Karya Lestari (ASLI) Shares Fluctuate

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The shares of the initial issuer in 2024, PT Asri Karya Lestari Tbk. (ASLI) experienced fluctuations. At the opening of trading, the contractor issuer fell 3% after officially listing its initial shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on Friday (5/1/2024).

Based on IDX data at 09.00 WIB, ASLI shares recorded a 3% decline in trading debut this morning, or down 3 points to IDR 97 per share. Thus, the initial price of ASLI's initial shares is below the initial offering price set at IDR 100 per share.

However, at 09.05 aka 5 minutes of trading, ASLI's shares rose 4% to a level of Rp104 per share.

The frequency of transactions of ASLI shares at the opening of trading was 3,416 times with a volume of 771,129 shares traded reaching shares. As a result, the transaction value (turnover) ASLI this morning also exceeded IDR 8.11 billion.

President Director of ASLI Sudjatmiko said that the company's steps to enter the IDX through IPO is part of the Company's strategy to increase business expansion, funding capacity, governance, and better openness principles.

"Therefore, the company is preparing for business expansion so that it is expected that the company will be able to absorb and participate in the development of the country," he said at the IDX Building, Friday (5/1/2024).